Here’re the highlights relevant to you for Fall 2022:
Dissemination mode vs. Collaboration mode: this distinction was necessary to ensure that students are fully aware (and have an option to withdraw) before the start of the semester if there is cross-CRN collaboration.
Combined sites in Dissemination mode are used for disseminating announcements and providing course content only: (a) Don’t use the Email tool since it shows names and email addresses of students in all CRNs, in violation of FERPA. (b) Discussion/Forum groups cannot be formed across CRNs.
Combined sites in Collaboration mode can use the Email tool and other collaborative activities (such as discussions/forums) across CRNs, but need to include in the syllabus, “This course space is being shared by students in the following CRNs [list] and if you do not wish to be in a shared course space, please drop this section and register for another section of this course.”
Submit your request to combine sites by August 18, 2022, if you plan to use the collaboration mode.
Note that in future semesters, you will need to submit a request before the registration begins if your combined sites will operate in the collaboration mode.
I have two questions.
1. I’m a lecturer and my courses aren’t “set” before registration begins. Often the sections I teach change or I am someone who is inserted in one of the TBA sections. As such, I don’t begin updating my Laulima sites or making any requests until my schedule is secure (sometimes the day before classes begin) to avoid uncompensated work. Will I, and other lecturers, be unable to combine sections?
2. I sometimes teach English 100/22 where during 100 all the students are in the same classroom the 22/100 students have a different CRN for 100 than just the 100 only students), and I need to combine the Laulima sites. What will be done about this?
Thanks for considering these potential challenges.
Hi Merissa, I would recommend putting in your request to combine sections as soon as you know and are able to even if it’s after the deadline. ITS publishes Laulima courses on the third day prior to the week of the semester starting which is probably why they want to know early. Regardless, ITS advises to let your students know ASAP about the change of combining sections, at minimum, by including a statement in your syllabus. You can also send a Laulima Announcement or email. If you know early on, you can also ask your division secretary to put a note in the class availability listing so students know up-front before they register. Bottom line is that we want to make sure we inform students (as early as we can) about the change and have the opportunity to alter their registration in a way that they feel that they can be successful.