CES was released on Monday, October 29, 2018. Together, we are learning about this new system. Some wonderful hints and questions have already been shared. By communicating them to you, I hope it will help you as you setup your CES for your class(es).
This was helpful hint was submitted by Michael Oishi
The order of the questions in the question bank is the order in which they appear in the survey.
I have a slightly different set of questions for my DE courses than I do for my face-to-face class courses. While several of the questions are similar, they are worded slightly differently. Since I am currently in the middle of a promotion cycle and have already created tables and graphs of my evaluation results, I would like to keep the order of CES questions the same as in my previous evaluations. The problem, however, is that when new questions are added to the bank, they are randomly added to and organized in the bank. To separate the questions for my face-to-face questions classes from my DE classes, I reorganized the questions in my question bank. I put all the questions for my face-to-face classes first, followed by the questions for my DE classes.
A hack for instructors who also have different sets of questions for different types of courses they teach is to first add ALL questions for all their surveys into the question bank. Then go back and reorder the questions–perhaps by listing questions for face-to-face classes first, then all questions for DE courses. That way, when one has to select the questions for a survey from the bank, all the questions are generally separated and organized in the order one wants.
Like many things, CES is a bit time-consuming in the beginning, but thankfully much easier and faster once things are set up.
This question was submitted by Donna Matsumoto
My evaluation for my accelerated ENG 200 class is Turned Off. Will I be able to use the CES for that class? Here is a screenshot of what is in CES.
Accelerated classes and other non-traditional classes have been set to end on 11/23/18. As the instructor, you should create your evaluation now. The evaluation will open to your students two weeks prior to the end of the course which will be 11/9/18. On that date, your survey will be turned on.
This was a helpful hint submitted by Kale’a Silva.
I feel like students rush through course evaluations if I give it to them at the end of class on the last day. So, what I plan to do with CES, is to give them the first 10 minutes of class to complete it while I step out. Then, I’ll resume class after they complete the evaluation. That way, I hope to get 100% participation and more meaningful responses if students have time and don’t feel rushed.
Note: CES is now mobile friendly and can be completed on a smartphone.
Please continue to share your helpful hints with me and I will share it out.
Email Leanne Riseley: leannech@hawaii.edu
More information at Leeward CC CES site.